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Our publications

In this section you will find our publications - scientific publications, dissertations, annual reports and anniversary publications as well as the LFO media library.

Foto von Nick Große
Nick Große
Dr.-Ing. und Forschungskoordinator
„Our publications provide basic and application-oriented solutions for the management of supply chains from and for science and practice. They form a sustainable knowledge base for overcoming the challenges of tomorrow's supply chains with the help of innovative technologies and management concepts.“
Everything about our publications

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Current publications at the LFO


Building block kit for the introduction of flexible mobile robotics

Our publication "Bausteinkasten zur Einführung flexibler mobiler Robotik" was published in the Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb!

Second white paper about expert interviews published

The second white paper of EXPERTISE has been published. It concludes the second work package of the empirical study by interviewing silver workers in

Future investments by vehicle manufacturers and the supplier industry

Our FlexTools project is also part of the BMWK economic stimulus package 35c module a2, which focuses on 'future investments by vehicle manufacturers…

First white paper about literature review published

The first whitepaper of EXPERTISE has been published and analyses the 'silver workers' and their position in the labor market. It reveals a notable…

Publication of the IO4 white paper in the PERSIST project

"Design of module-based course concept for PSM with Gamification elements based on the outcomes of the Delphi studies"

SealedServices at the ECIS 2021

Investigate service offerings in mechanical and plant engineering with web crawlers.
Diagramm aus der SealedServices Publikation zur ECIS 2021

DFG Project Academy "Sustainability in Global Value Chains" - Final report published

With the publication of the project report, we have completed the project.
Cover des Berichts "Sustainability in global value chains"

Publication of the IO2 white paper in the PERSIST project

"Qualitative Pre-Study by conducting World Café Sessions and Expert Interviews as a Starting Point for the Delphi Studies"

Article "Learning purchasing skills through play" published!

Article "Learning purchasing skills through play" published!