Latest news
Second white paper about expert interviews published
The second white paper of EXPERTISE has been published. It concludes the second work package of the empirical study by interviewing silver workers in

First multiplier event "Lifelong Learning in Procurement"
The project's first multiplier event under the heading "Lifelong Learning in Procurement" took place on June 5 at the Vantaa Clarion Hotel Aviapolis…

Future investments by vehicle manufacturers and the supplier industry
Our FlexTools project is also part of the BMWK economic stimulus package 35c module a2, which focuses on 'future investments by vehicle manufacturers…

EXPERTISE project team at IPSERA conference 2024
During the IPSERA conference, the EXPERTISE project team had the opportunity to present the research results of the project's second work package.…

First white paper about literature review published
The first whitepaper of EXPERTISE has been published and analyses the 'silver workers' and their position in the labor market. It reveals a notable…

TE Connectivity requirements workshop
The second plant meeting of the entire FlexTools network team took place on November 6, 2013 at TE Connectivity in Wört. Here, too, the relevant…

HEO Coating requirements workshop
On 30.10.23, the FlexTools team met for the first "factory meeting" at HEO Coating in Wickede (Ruhr).

Kick-off in Dortmund at the LFO Lab at TU Dortmund University
On 05.10.23, the FlexTools project team met at the LFO Lab at TU Dortmund University for the official kick-off.

The modular toolbox for flexible robotics for small and medium-sized automotive suppliers