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Faculty of mechanical engineering
Please feel free to contact us!

Contact us

If you have any questions about us, our research, our projects, our teaching or any other topics, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Phone: +49 (231) 755-5771 and -5772

Fax: +49 (231) 744-5769

Mail: sekretariat.lfo.mbtu-dortmundde

Teaching team

If you have any questions about teaching at the LFO, please contact our teaching team: lehre.lfo.mbtu-dortmundde

Postal address

Dortmund University of Technology
Chair of Enterprise Logistics (LFO)
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Building I, 2nd floor
Leonhard-Euler-Strasse 5
D-44227 Dortmund

North Campus

The picture shows the old building of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. © Jürgen Huhn​/​TU Dortmund