Smart DLWD

Problem definition
Artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in all areas of industry and business. Advancing digitalization and networking mean that more and more high-quality data sets are available for processing by AI algorithms. At the same time, AI algorithms are becoming increasingly accessible thanks to open source frameworks and the expansion of affordable and available computing capacity. In addition, various service providers offer AI-compatible IT infrastructures for every size, both on-premise and in the cloud. However, a broad range of expertise is required to implement AI use cases. The associated cost-intensive development of specialized departments and employees has so far been reserved primarily for large companies.
Municipal companies providing services of general interest play a special role in our economic system. As suppliers of vital basic services, municipal companies only operate regionally and are tied to the tight public sector budget. This means that companies providing services of general interest have decisive economic disadvantages compared to companies in the private sector that operate on a supra-regional level. There is a clear need for municipal companies to catch up, particularly in the area of digital transformation and the adaptation of innovative business processes and models. Citizens and the state have an equal interest in competitive municipal companies, as the intense competition between municipal and supra-regional companies relieves the burden on state coffers and citizens.
The SMART-DLWD project pursues the vision of making data-driven services for sustainable public value creation accessible to companies providing services of general interest, for the added value of citizens, the state and municipal companies. The aim of the Smart-DLWD project is to strengthen municipal companies, in particular by researching low-threshold access options to AI solutions. The use of AI applications aims to increase efficiency, reduce costs and open up new value streams in public service companies.
The Chair of Enterprise Logistics is supporting the Smart-DLWD research project as part of the scientific underpinning of the results developed in the project. Together with the consortium partners, the knowledge gained from practice on the design of AI solutions in municipal services of general interest will be theoretically substantiated and continuously reflected upon.
News from the project
Chair of Enterprise Logistics, TU Dortmund University
Contact persons at the LFO
Funding information
Project duration:
15.08.2024 - 14.08.2027
Funding reference number:
Project logo:

The project is funded as part of the NEXT.IN.NRW program by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW) under the ERDF-20800508 funding code and is supervised by the Project Management Jülich (PTJ).
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