Problem definition
Although economically independent partners work together in value creation networks, they do not trust each other. This means that the basis for cross-company automation and autonomization of service provision, process execution and payment transactions is not in place. This challenge can be ideally addressed by combining artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain.
The overall objective of the project is to enable the synergetic interaction of AI and blockchain technology for federated and decentralized (platform) ecosystems and to enable companies to achieve secure and trustworthy process automation and autonomization in production, logistics and supply chain management from the store floor to the value network level.
- Further development of the federated reference platform through (new) components that enable industry- and use case-independent deployment at various levels of the value chain (e.g. AI models and smart contracts)
- Technical development, implementation and open source publication of software components in specific use cases using the results from (1.) and the connection and use of hardware components.
- Establishment and scaling of the solutions mentioned under (1.) and (2.) by setting up, expanding and operating technical (test) networks, e.g. in cooperation with companies in the areas of production, logistics and supply chain management.
- Enabling companies to use the open source software and hardware components provided to promote the innovation and competitiveness of the economy.
Focus 1: From raw material to consumer - verification in value creation networks
A blockchain-based AI solution is being developed for the seamless traceability of products and goods along value creation networks, including plausibility checks.
Focus 2: The Internet of Value - financial innovations for the store floor
AI algorithms are used in the context of intralogistics, e.g. for production planning and optimization and for warehouse control, taking financial factors into account. Swarms of robots use AI to autonomously negotiate order acceptance, execution and invoicing.
Focus 3: Networked transport world - automation and autonomization of processes
The use of AI enables the automatic analysis and processing of documents and their relationships to each other. For example, transport documents, customs and customs accompanying documents, ADR certificates, consignment notes and invoices can be checked for compliance with regulations and guidelines using AI in order to sustainably reduce administrative costs.
Focus 4: Cooperative business - putting the tandem on the road
By developing and providing tools and assistance, the industry will be enabled to exploit the full potential of the interaction between AI and blockchain. To this end, a competence platform will be created that combines various tools and assistance
News from the project
Contact persons at the LFO
Funding information
Project duration:
01.06.2024 - 31.12.2025
Funding reference number:
Project logo:

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV) of the Federal Republic of Germany under the funding code 45KI26B021 and supervised by the Federal Agency for Administrative Services.
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