
Problem definition
The use of automation solutions is essential for large parts of the German automotive and supplier industry to maintain competitiveness in the face of high competitive pressure and a shortage of skilled workers. However, the introduction of automation solutions such as autonomous mobile robotics (AMR) poses considerable challenges, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) among suppliers. In particular, the integration into existing, historically grown production systems, the so-called brownfield, poses enormous challenges. These include the restrictions of the physical and digital infrastructure, a lack of expertise and acceptance, high investment costs and simulation efforts as well as lengthy project runtimes.
FlexTools meets these challenges with a comprehensive modular kit that facilitates the cost-efficient introduction of mobile robotics in brownfield environments with historically grown production systems. This includes flexible robotics platforms, interchangeable planning and control processes and digital twins for virtual commissioning. In addition to the technical components, the focus is also on the transformation process of the organization with its employees through modules for project planning, assistance and process models for successful change management and for the qualification of employees.
The FlexTools project is investigating use cases in spatially restricted brownfield environments in the warehouse and production logistics of automotive suppliers. The project focuses on applications in production supply, on the one hand in transportation using conventional AMR platforms, and on the other hand in the development and use of new technologies for load handling, which are investigated using demonstrators in real environments. In close cooperation with industrial networks, the use of FlexTools modules is being investigated for other generalizable applications. The focus of the project is on developing modular components that enable users to evaluate the use of AMR, design the project efficiently and make adjustments independently during operation. This allows the use of mobile robots to be tested virtually, the overall system to be planned, optimized and designed, and new algorithms to be tested.
The modules of the FlexTools construction kit are developed in line with the requirements of two representative use cases from the automotive and supplier industry. These components are developed in three key areas: Robot Technology, IT Systems & Algorithms and Management & Implementation. Reusability is made possible through the use of existing standards and interfaces. Fundamentally, the development of these solution concepts must be carried out in close dialog with the application partners during project implementation. This approach achieves the goal of enabling SMEs to further develop their processes and systems independently.
News from the project
Half-time milestone reached!

Building block kit for the introduction of flexible mobile robotics

FlexTools at the FTS symposium

FlexTools at the Open House Day at Fraunhofer IML

Max Disselnmeyer presents research results at the ICCL, Mexico

Design Thinking Workshop (I): Introduction and planning of AMRs

Project publications
Building block kit for the introduction of flexible mobile robotics
Future investments by vehicle manufacturers and the supplier industry
Contact persons
Network coordination:
Christian Dreyer, Tünkers Maschinenbau GmbH, Contact
Scientific project coordination:
Prof. Michael Henke, Chair of Enterprise Logistics, TU Dortmund University, Contact
Dipl.-Logist. Natalia Straub, Chair of Enterprise Logistics, TU Dortmund University, contact
Prof. Anne Meyer, Institute for Information Management in Engineering (IMI), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), contact
Funding information
Project duration:
01.09.2023 - 31.08.2026
Funding code:
Project logo:

The research project "FlexTools - the modular toolbox for flexible robotics of small and medium-sized automotive suppliers" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union within the framework of NextGenerationEU under the funding code 13IK032.