Article "Learning purchasing skills through play" published!
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Procurement News, 13.07.2020
In the digitalized environment of the future, buyers will need different skills than before.
The international research project PERSIST (Purchasing Education Research Syndicate: Industry 4.0 Skills Transfer) is developing a concept for teaching these skills. Elements from the field of gamification will be used.
Increasing demands on purchasing offer the possibility of profiling beyond the achievement of savings, but at the same time mean an increasing need for different skills among employees in purchasing. In the best case scenario, the buyer is a networker, digitalization and negotiation expert and risk manager and ensures the resilient supply of goods, services and knowledge at the best price.
In Procurement 4.0, digital technologies are used and data is analyzed with intelligent algorithms to automate processes and support decisions. However, Procurement 4.0 not only means the use of digital technologies, but also employees with skills that enable them to operate successfully in this environment.