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Faculty of mechanical engineering

VISITS - 2nd virtual milestone meeting

  • Forschungsnews
  • Forschungsprojekte
Gruppenfoto vom digitalen VISITS Meilenstein 2 © LFO​/​ TU Dortmund
The second milestone meeting of our VISITS project took place on April 27, 2021.

The second milestone meeting of our VISITS project took place on April 27, 2021. The entire consortium from practice and science met again virtually to discuss the interim results and key findings on the current project status.

The second virtual milestone meeting was opened by the project manager Prof. Michael Henke and supplemented by introductory words from the project sponsor. In terms of content, the meeting focused on the presentation of the results of the case studies carried out in the use cases. The current challenges in technical service in the context of digitalization, the design of change processes and interaction work were presented at the interfaces between people, technology and organization.

Customer and service orientation, transparency of service provision, high flexibility on the one hand and high capacity utilization, predictability and process efficiency on the other are just some of the key points that describe the area of tension in technical services. This is complemented by the demand for consistent and automated information flows in a heterogeneous IT and system landscape. Multi-layered interaction relationships with internal and external interfaces as well as the continuous balancing of different interests of the various players illustrate the need to not only recognize interaction work as a component of service provision, but also to actively shape it.

The strategies and ideas developed for the solution are diverse. The use cases range from internal process digitization and automation of information flows along the order handling process, to the development of application solutions and the synthesis of different IT systems in one user interface, to a platform that is to be developed and used together with customers.

Specific examples of innovative technologies, both hardware and software components, were used to provide impetus for implementing the solution concepts developed to date. The pilot use of the solutions in the use cases will be used in the further course of the project to determine the effects on the work processes and to analyze changes to the interactive parts of the work in Technical Service.

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