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Faculty of mechanical engineering

Maintenance Forum 2021: connected

  • Forschungsnews
Logo InstandhaltungsForum 2021 © LFO​/​ TU Dortmund
on May 06 and 07, 2021

The past few months have once again demonstrated that digitalization and cooperation are the key drivers in the current times. Digital networks are more important than ever, which is why the MaintenanceForum 2021 connected is also following this motto and will take place in virtual form for the first time.

We are therefore delighted that the Chair of Enterprise Logistics at TU Dortmund University and the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML will once again be your (digital) hosts in the coming year. The focus will be on "NETWORKS AND COOPERATIONS IN MAINTENANCE".

The Maintenance Forum has been the platform for networking in the maintenance industry for more than 30 years. In a dialog between practice and science, new impulses are provided on current maintenance topics. In addition to the networking concept, the 19th edition of the forum will focus on innovative methods and technologies for implementing maintenance for Industry 4.0 - smart maintenance.


Date: May 6 and 7, 2021

Location: Virtual Microsoft Teams event

Participation fee: Free of charge


Here you can find the agenda for the Maintenance Forum connected 2021:

Agenda Maintenance Forum 2021 connected