DFG Project Academy "Sustainability in Global Value Chains" - Workshops
- Forschungsnews

First workshop April 25-26, Dortmund
At the kick-off event, all participants were able to get to know each other, present their project ideas and gain insights into the management of research projects and DFG funding. A wide-ranging mix of different disciplines was represented with diverse ideas on how our world can be improved from a sustainability perspective. The first meeting was characterized by an inspiring exchange on research projects and cooperation opportunities.
Second workshop October 10-11, Dortmund
Prof. Dr. Holger Kohl from TU Berlin opened the second workshop with a presentation on the challenges and opportunities for production technology that can arise in terms of sustainability in global value chains.
Another valuable contribution was made by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Rüter from the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, who shared his experiences with the previous DFG Project Academy and the DFG proposals submitted with the participants, pointing out important aspects of submitting and reviewing proposals in this context. The subsequent presentation by Dr. Christiane Joerk on DFG research funding in the economic sciences provided an overview of the DFG's orientation and organization and clarified the review and decision-making processes as well as critical aspects of proposal submission.
Over the course of the two-day workshop, all participants presented their respective progress in the research projects and gave an outlook on the next steps. In a lively exchange, the presented research projects were discussed, networking and cooperation opportunities were explored and open questions regarding the application process were jointly explained.
Third workshop April 04-05, Berlin
At this meeting, cooperative and interdisciplinary research topics were presented that had already emerged from the lively exchange during the Project Academy. In the further course of the Project Academy, the proposal ideas in the respective research projects are to be further developed and discussed together in a lively exchange so that individual draft proposals can then be prepared and submitted to the DFG for funding.