DFG Project Academy "Sustainability in Global Value Chains" - Final report published
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The fourth and digital workshop on 27.10.2020 also marked the end of the project. At this last meeting, the focus was on discussing draft proposals along the three guiding sub-themes and clarifying outstanding questions regarding individual research proposals. The lively exchange during the Project Academy resulted in cooperative and interdisciplinary research topics. These innovative research projects and the respective findings have been published in a joint book by Kogan Page Verlag:
Henke, Michael; Kohl, Holger (eds.) (2021): Sustainability in global value chains. Measures, ethics and best practices for responsible businesses. London, New York, NY: Kogan Page.
However, the joint research work does not end with the Project Academy. Many ideas for proposals are in the pipeline, which is why all participants agreed to continue working together beyond the duration of the Project Academy in order to further develop the research fields in a cooperative and interdisciplinary manner.