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Faculty of mechanical engineering

50 years of research and teaching - 50 years of LFO!

  • Lehrstuhlnews
Cover der 50 Jahre Jubiläumsbroschüre © LFO​/​ TU Dortmund
The Chair of Business Logistics (LFO) was founded on October 1, 1971 and is therefore celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. This means not only 50 years of ambitious research, but also 50 years of dedicated teaching.

As a co-founder of the Department of Production Engineering (now the Department of Mechanical Engineering) at TU Dortmund University, the LFO has had a significant impact on logistics in Dortmund. During this time, corporate logistics increasingly evolved from being the executing instance of corporate logistics services to a controlling instance in value creation networks, i.e. supply chain management.

During these 50 years, there have been six professors at the LFO, over 150 employees and more than 1500 theses have been supervised. With currently three Bachelor's and four Master's courses, the logistics project and specialist laboratories with topics such as supply chain management, purchasing, factory planning and maintenance, the LFO makes an important contribution to the training of young professionals in the logistics sector.

The Dortmund Management Model (DMM) is an important contribution by the LFO to strengthening the interface between technology and management.

At a scientific level, the Maintenance Forum (InFo), which took place for the 19th time in 2021 and has thus enabled the networking of science and practice in the maintenance industry for more than 30 years, is particularly noteworthy. In addition, the Dortmund process chain paradigm was created, which is used to model company processes and is characterized by its holistic, cross-functional and integrative character. In addition, since 2009, the Graduate School of Logistics (GSofLOG), in cooperation with industry partners, has been offering scholarships to graduates to pursue an application-oriented doctorate in close proximity to the chair. Another doctoral opportunity at the LFO is provided by the graduate college "Adaptive Intelligence of Factories in a Complex and Dynamic Environment", in which graduates can complete their doctorate within three years in the form of a structured doctoral program. Another important milestone is the Dortmund Management Model (DMM), with which an integrated and process-oriented view of the management of Industry 4.0 in corporate logistics and supply chains can be considered, thus strengthening the interfaces between technology and management.

In the next 50 years and beyond, we as LFO want to continue to promote the field of logistics at the location and thus shape the domain.

To the anniversary brochure